Fresh pasta, what a passion!

Fresh homemade pasta: Grandmothers’ handmade recipe, prepared without a machine!


My grandmother Lucia, whom I called ‘Nitta, was a phenomenal pasta maker.  Every gathering and party, it was her routine to celebrate with homemade macaroni. This gave peace and joy to us children, who used to play with the dough and flour that ended up getting everywhere! We spent so much time trying and trying to get the hole out of those macaroni: it was a bet! Today there is no macaroni that comes out without a hole: the pupil has passed the teacher! And who knows if from heaven she squeezes my face with pride, with her contagious laugh, or if she still isn’t satisfied!!

Making pasta at home is a great way to try to eat in a healthy and genuine way. You only need very few ingredients and preparing it is very simple.


Making pasta at home is a very productive, economical and satisfying activity. An all-Italian tradition, handed down by our grandmothers, who kept the cut pasta for the whole week, as well as the bread. An ancient recipe that will allow us to get closer to a healthier and more genuine way of eating, made of simple and natural ingredients.


The most popular pasta to make at home is undoubtedly egg pasta. You can prepare it with very few ingredients without the help of the pasta cutter and keep it in the refrigerator for the whole week. Let’s see how to do it step by step.


500 gr of type zero flour

5 eggs and one yolk

1 level teaspoon of salt

1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil


Place the flour in a bowl and insert the eggs, one by one, and the yolk.

Add the salt and oil and with a fork begin to gently beat the eggs, slowly incorporating all the flour, until you get a smooth and homogeneous dough.

Flour the work surface and roll out the dough as finely as possible and divide it into 7 parts.

Roll the dough on itself and around the rolling pin. Remove the rolling pin and cut strips of dough about 1 cm thick with a knife. Roll out the fettuccina that will have formed and flour it so that it does not stick to the others. Proceed in this way for the other parts.

A word of advice:

If you want to leave the pastry intact to make lasagna, you can keep it floured in the fridge without having to cut it.

A lighter dough, without eggs, is the one composed of water and flour. Let’s see how it is prepared.


500 gr of type zero flour

250 gr of water

A pinch of fine salt


Form a pile with the flour and make a hole in the center to put the water a little at a time, trying to incorporate the flour slowly.

Add the salt, roll out the dough and cut as you prefer.

A word of advice:

To obtain the maltagliati (egg pasta used in soup or broth) , handle the dough with a rolling pin and then divide it into lozenges (rhombus shaped pieces). To obtain the strozzapreti (dumplings), on the other hand, rolled pieces are made with a thickness of about 1 cm and then molded with your hands.


Homemade pasta cooks very quickly: once the water has boiled, pour the pasta, as soon as it surfaces (a couple of minutes), drain and serve.

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